Difference Between Saprophyte and Parasite Nutrition Class 10

In the article, we understand the Differences Between Saprophyte and Parasite Nutrition of Class 10 Chapter 1 Life Processes

Differences Between Saprophyte and Parasite Nutrition

Saprophytic or Saprotrophic Nutrition: It is a mode of heterotrophic nutrition in which food is obtained from organic remains like dead organisms, excreta, fallen leaves, broken twigs, food articles, etc. Organisms performing saprotrophic nutrition are called saprophytes

Parasitic Nutrition: It is a mode of heterotrophic nutrition in which a living organism obtains food from a living organism of another species. The living organisms which obtains food and shelter from another organism is called parasites.

Difference between Saprophyte and Parasite Nutrition

Saprophyte Parasite
1 Mode of Nutrition: Nutrition is got from organic remains Nutrition is obtained from living organisms of another species called the host
2 External Digestion: Saprophytes perform external digestion in order to solubilize the food materials External digestion is absent
3 Sucking Organs: They are absent Many Parasites possess sucking organs
4 Ingestion: Only digested food is taken The ingested food can be predigested, semi-digested or undigested
5 Disease: It does not cause disease It often produces disease or ailment in the host
6 Food: It may spoil food It robs the host of food
7 Ecological Role: It has an ecological in scavenging the earth of dead organic matter and release of trapped biogeochemical A useful ecological role is absent. At times it may spread disease in epidemic form

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